It is quite difficult to confuse gout with another joint disease of inflammatory nature. Acute attacks of joint pain, is a key sign of the disease. In Greek, gout means "trap on the foot." At Illinois Foot & Ankle Clinic, we offer individualized, comprehensive treatment programs that address each patient's unique needs in order to relieve gout symptoms, achieve optimal results and improve quality of life. 

A comprehensive approach combines: 

  • drug therapy; 
  • nutritional therapy; 
  • physiotherapy; 
  • podiatric care.
  1. A comprehensive approach to the treatment of gout allows not only to stop acute attacks, but also to prevent their recurrence.  
  2. It helps to avoid complications: joint deformation, formation of granulomas in soft tissues (tophus), renal failure. 
  3. It allows improving the quality of life of patients, reduce pain and discomfort, increase motor activity.

Illinois Foot & Ankle Clinic's lead physician, podiatrist-surgeon Alex Yanovskiy, has extensive experience treating gout and will customize the best treatment regimen for any of our clients.

Conditions Treated

Gout is a rheumatic disease caused by the deposition of uric acid salt crystals (urates) in the joints and, later, in the kidneys. The disease clinic is characterized by recurrent and progressive attacks of arthritis with intense pain and the formation of tophuses - gouty nodules, which can lead to joint deformity. With further kidney damage, the development of urolithiasis and renal failure.

Typical symptoms of gout are characterized by: 

  1. Acute, intense attacks of nighttime joint pain.  
  2. Joint swelling and redness. 
  3. Gouty arthritis of the big toe accompanied by acute pain, swelling and redness around the big toe. 
  4. Limited joint mobility and difficulty with movement. 
  5. The formation of tophuses under the skin, on the toes, soles, ankles, or inside the joints, which can provoke joint deformity. 

Keep in mind that the signs of gout can mimic those of pseudogout, a completely different condition that is caused by other causes such as osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis. If pseudogout is suspected, it is important to perform further tests to make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe appropriate treatment for pseudogout.

Treatment Process

The process of treating gout in the feet usually begins with conservative methods that include drug therapy, diet, lifestyle changes, and podiatric care. For most patients, these methods provide effective symptom management and prevent exacerbations.

Drug therapy includes the use of: 

  • anti-inflammatory drugs; 
  • analgesics; 
  • corticosteroids (tablets or intra-articular injections); 
  • drugs that reduce the level of uric acid in the body.


Dietary adherence plays a key role in the management of gout. In a condition like gout, purine-rich foods such as meat, seafood and alcohol should be avoided as they can increase the level of uric acid in the blood. Beer should be reduced or completely eliminated from the diet. Excessive consumption of sugar and fats should be avoided. It is important to consume enough water, which helps the process of uric acid dilution. When maintaining a dietary diet, attacks of gout may not manifest themselves for years. The main thing is not to self-medicate gout, and at the first signs - to consult a doctor. 

Lifestyle changes 

Moderate exercise and weight control, can help reduce the risk of exacerbations and improve overall health. 

Podiatric care is an important aspect of symptom relief. It includes a number of recommendations:  

  • Shoes and insoles: choose shoes with soft soles and good cushioning. 
  • Special insoles with cushioning reduce stress on the feet and joints.  
  • Physiotherapy: helps to restore joint mobility, strengthen muscles and improve blood circulation in the legs.

In more severe cases, when conservative methods are not effective enough, more intensive treatment options such as glucocorticosteroid injections or surgery to remove uric acid crystals from the joints are used.

Expected Outcomes

Expected outcomes of gout treatment include pain relief, reduction in the frequency and severity of attacks, improvement in joint mobility and overall quality of life. Proper treatment allows patients to control their condition and minimize the risk of gout complications such as joint damage and the formation of gouty nodules.

Lifestyle Adjustments & Preventative Measures

In addition to the comprehensive treatment offered by Illinois Foot & Ankle Clinic, you can: 

Change your diet

  • reduce consumption of foods rich in purines (red meat, legumes, beer, alcohol); 
  • increase drinking (at least 2–3 liters per day); 
  • increase consumption of foods rich in fiber (vegetables, fruits, whole grains); 
  • limit consumption of sugar, salt, fructose.

Change your daily routine 

  • regularly engage in low-impact sports (swimming, walking); 
  • do exercises to strengthen joints; 
  • avoid injuries and overexertion.

Give up bad habits - smoking, alcohol, which increase the risk of gout. 

Control the level of uric acid - regularly take a blood test for uric acid level, take medications that reduce its level. 

Regularly undergo preventive examinations - this will help to detect and start treatment of gout at an early stage.

Why Choose Our Clinic?

linois Foot & Ankle Clinic specializes in the treatment of gout and other foot and ankle conditions. Our clinic offers a personalized approach to gout treatment, including a comprehensive evaluation, prescription of optimal treatment and recommendations for lifestyle changes. We provide highly skilled medical care and patient support at every stage of treatment. Our goal is to provide gout relief, improve quality of life and prevent recurrence by helping our patients live full and active lives without pain or limitations. 

Make an appointment with an Illinois Foot & Ankle Clinic doctor, and we'll help you beat gout! Tel. (847) 298–3338 Des Plaines

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1400 E Golf Rd, Unit 201, Des Plaines, IL 60016

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